
Thursday, August 29, 2019

What are forces?
Make a copy of this document and save it in your Inquiry folder.

Slide 1:
Find the definition of what these forces are. Can you find two more examples of forces that exist in our world? List and explain them in the table below. Blog your findings with the WALT and a photo that demonstrates a force acting upon something.

Definition of the force
Example of the force
An Example of push as a force would be to push on a swing. The force moves 
Image result for Forces
pressure as a force is when you push down on a pile of grapes.
Image result for push forces
swing in a particular direction and the harder you push the further the swing will 
Image result for push forces

Highlight either ‘push’ or ‘pull’ to show what force is happening in each picture

Slide 3: Do forces change with speed?
Can you list some activities that gravity affects?

When can you see or feel the effects of air resistance?

Slide 4: All forces come in pairs!
Can you list three examples of an action - reaction similar to the example of the race car on slide 4?

Slide 5: What forces are acting here?

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Smart Relationship Qualities...

WHAT- me and Monique was barring a Tower 

and we have to be quiet.

WHY- because the teacher said.

HOW- with a noodle sticks.

Where in room 5

when 11 august