
Thursday, March 28, 2019

Little big speech (LBS)

Who is Martin Luther King? he give the big words to us.

What I learnt about Martin Luther King. he was nice to us. 

We read a book on Martin Luther King. His BIG words were: love, faith, hope, thankful, support and cooperate

Little Big Speech
I have dream that one day my family is good and helpful and faithful

I have dream that one day my school is nice to each other.

I have dream that one day my community will be a good community.

I have dream that one day my country will be safe.

I have dream that one day the world I live in will be safe for everyone.

By Aisake

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

How to keep my netbook safe.

I am going to keep my netbook safe by
going on the right site keeping my
netbook in class not leaving it outside or telling
other people my password.

About me profile

Hi. My name is Aisake and I am Tongan. The name of my school is St Pius X Catholic School.  In my family there is fun and niceness. I like going to my rugby training, eating at home and learning learn new stuff.
I enjoy rugby, soccer and P.E. I like writing and maths. I find a these challenging also.

My personal achievement for this year is that I will try not to get disturbed by others and not to talk to others when I am learning. I think people would like to read my blog because I improve every day and try to be the best at blog posting.